Making Christians and the Church more effective
Preparing the church for end times
Reaching the world

As the Lord speaks to and awakens His remnant and begins to draw them out of apostate churches under Babylonian influence. With nowhere to go, and no teaching available, DTM establish Training Schools in homes and local churches, for the purpose of raising people up to be effective disciples of Christ who live behind enemy lines, Babylon, the world system.

If you are looking for a church that is clear of false doctrine, begin by downloading the free book ‘Finding a Discipleship Environment‘. This will give you the understanding of what DTM has available, not a perfect church, but a biblical training environment. Through our books, and training seminars, we will help you to establish a similar environment, as well as the opportunity to connect to a network of likeminded disciples and their local churches.

The purpose of the discipleship training school is to build up the body of Christ by equipping everyone for works of service, so that all believers may become mature and attain the fullness of Christ and abundant life (Eph 4:11-13, John 10:10). There are three stages to the discipleship training school, to take you from new believer to mature leader within the Church. The school is designed to cover each facet of your life: spiritual, character, ministry, and family.

Our programme of training begins with a free online course run by Calvary Bible School. Then our books and training seminars center around the Big 5 Discipleship program:

  1. Living in an intermit relationship with Jesus Christ
  2. Living from your heart
  3. Living in your Calling
  4. Knowing your place in time, being a Global Christian who acts locally
  5. Being a warrior for Christ – spiritual warfare

A disciple and servant of Christ, mature, functioning in their giftings and call, not tossed to and fro by any enemy attack. Living fully John 10:10b.

A letter from David :

Dear Disciples
Like you I am passionate on discipling the nations. It was the Command of our Lord (Matt 28). I would first like to give my very simple definition of ‘church’ – it is the collective noun for a group of disciples. To be part of this ‘body’, you need to be effectively trained. To be trained you need to find the environment for this training. Once you have this, an uncompromising discipleship environment, you will have those who seek you and that environment out and become lifelong disciples. Sadly, there are those who would follow, and will also seek you out, but will always have something to bury, or attend in the world. They will not last long in the environment.

This environment creates an expectancy and standard of operation for the disciple. In the training, our church has developed in these foundations, which we say in our 1st level, at the completion of this training, we expect the disciple be COMPLIANT and COMPATIBLE with Matt 22:37-40; 28:18-30; 6:33; Eph 2:10.

A question which will generate some discussion and debate is ‘how long should it take for a disciple to become mature, stepping into their role in the Kingdom?’:

  • How long does it take a church to recruit and train you into discipleship normal?
  • Or asked in another way: how long does it take a church to raise a Christian to maturity?
  • Or asked in yet another way: how long did it take or is it taking you to reach maturity in Christ?

My answer is this: it should take this team no more than 3 years to reach this – Ephesians 4:12-15

Within 3 years, you, as a disciple, should be equipped to enter the family business! You should be operating at what I call your level two ministry. In other words, you should have been activated within your area of calling and gifting and have or be in the process of being released into the Kingdom – the family business. Maturity, in my view, is not the end product of the Christian life; instead, it is the start of the disciple in the service of the Father within their field of calling and within the area of the Kingdom that the Father has designated through and by the Holy Spirit. You should be striving to operate at this level according to Paul: Eph 4:12-15. From zero, to three!

These courses are part of what we at Life House Church and DTM, call the discipling process, it is the teaching phase. In these courses we hope to give you the tools to build a foundation on which to launch your discipleship life, and provide guidance in finding and being a mentor, discipler, as well as direction for you to step into your Kingdom ministry.

Through joining our School, we will attempt to help you by mentoring you as well as providing you a forum to minister and connect with other disciples from all over the world who are also passionate about discipling the world for Christ. Also, through this training we hope to empower and release disciples into their ministry and mission in the kingdom of our God.

I invite you to come and follow me because together we will make the world a better place. As the flood of the filth of the enemy attempts to overwhelm us, we will rise, and we will let our lights shine, and we will repel the darkness from of our society. Isaiah 59:1 – 60:4 and 22, Matthew 5:13-16.

I invite you to come and follow me because together we will change how people become disciples around the world, we will do it quickly and without them having to leave their mission in life.

I invite you to come and follow me, because as I was asked, and so were you, by Him who gave all to call us to His side, to walk with Him over the length and breadth of the earth to make disciples and bring His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.

We will raise and train the disciples of Christ

We will equip them to win every battle they engage

We will plant them in Discipleship Environment Churches

We will assist them in releasing the DNA of Christ, the King into their legacy!

To do that, like me, you will have to challenge the Status Quo in regards to how you actually DO church:

  • This challenge might begin by you either finding or creating a Discipleship Environment.
  • This will challenge the status quo of a religious mindset that is …
  • This will challenge the status quo of a cultural mindset that is …
  • This will challenge the status quo of an entitled mindset that is …
  • This will challenge the status quo of a personal mindset that is …
  • This will challenge the status quo of a set of strongholds that will need to be broken
  • This will challenge the status quo of how you think about yourself
  • Like a young Gideon, who when called a warrior of The Lord, dismissed the Lord’s opinion of him.

Therefore, I bring you a NEW method that is as OLD as mankind, – Biblical Discipleship.

DTM training will empower you, and I then expect you to go and make other disciples and expect you to become much better at it than me.

I dream of Antioch type apostolic teams being sent out from churches around the globe, to release the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom in all the world, and cities becoming lit up with the light of Christ, a standard raised against the flood of filth and darkness that some are trying to draw down on mankind. I dream of these teams being comprised of ‘ordinary’ men and woman; young and old; walking in step with the ‘extraordinary’ God!

Because He asked me?
There can be and is no greater honour!

Yours in Christ
David Thomas